User Profiles

To issue a drop, you will need to establish a Greenruhm user profile for the artist. A Greenruhm profile is a digital identity backed by open Web3 standards.

Greenruhm user accounts are owned by Web3 wallets protected by Delegated Key Management: Private keys are stored in the cloud, protected by Hardware Security Modules (HSMs). Wallets are non-custodial, meaning that they are user-owned and user-controlled. When a user needs to sign a message or make a transaction, we delegate the request directly to their cloud-hosted wallet. Think of it like a safety deposit box in the cloud. We don't have any access to or control over user wallets, and the user is free to transfer assets in and out of their wallet at any time.

⚠️ No transaction reversals or refunds are possible. As with all non-custodial blockchain wallet transactions, Greenruhm has no power to reverse payments, undo NFT transfers, etc. Please be careful to confirm transaction details with users.

🎉 Friction-free onboarding. Because Greenruhm does not sell cryptocurrencies or provide custody services, Greenruhm does not need users to go though complicated banking regulated-onboarding practices like Know Your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering identity verifications.

Sign In

connection.signIn(email: String) => Promise(User)

To sign in a user, you must first initialize the Greenruhm connect API:

import { connect } from '@greenruhm/connect';

const connection = connect({ apiKey: '<your API key here>' });

const getSignedInUser = async (email) => {
  const user = await connection.signIn(email);
  // You can now use user.displayName, user.avatarImage, etc.
  return user;

Call the asynchronous connection.signIn() method with the user's email address. Greenruhm Connect will send the user an email containing a button to click.

If the user account exists, they'll be signed in and the promise returned by connection.signIn() will be resolved with user details such as their email, username, displayName, avatarImage, and walletAddress.

type User {
  email: String!
  walletAddress: String!
  # True if user is signed in
  isSignedIn: Boolean! 
  username: String
  displayName: String
  avatarImage: String
  # Used to uniquely identify you for credits and royalties in various systems.
  # Register for free here:
  isni: String
  # Your IPI is assigned when you join a Performing Rights Organization (PRO).
  # e.g. BMI, ASCAP, or SESAC
  ipi: String

If the user does not exist, the connection.signIn() promise will reject with an "Account not found" error.

New User Sign Up

  email: String!,
  username: String!,
  displayName: String, // Optional. Defaults to username.
) => Promise(User) | Promise(Error)

If the account does not exist, the connection.signUp() method will resolve with the new user account details, including the user's email and walletAddress. If an account already exists for the given email, connection.signUp() will reject with an error: "An account already exists for this email."

Last updated