
Greenruhm supports the addition of any number of credited collaborators on a drop using the asynchronous drop.addCollaborator() method. The collaborator must approve the invite to be added to the drop. Until they approve, they are a pending collaborator. If they reject the invite, we remove them from the drop and notify the drop creator that the invitation was rejected.

There are two options for adding a collaborator:

  1. The collaborator already has a Greenruhm account.

  2. The collaborator does not have a Greenruhm account.

To add a collaborator using a username:

  1. The user provides the Greenruhm username of the person they want to add.

  2. We check if the username exists.

  3. If it exists, we fetch the user's data and add them as a collaborator.

  4. If the username does not exist, we inform the user that the provided username does not exist.

To add a collaborator using an email:

  1. The user provides the email of the person they want to add.

  2. We check if the email is in use by a Greenruhm user.

  3. If it is, we fetch the user's data and add them as a collaborator.

  4. If it is not, we send an invite to create an account to the email and add them as a collaborator.

  5. If the email is invalid or not in a proper format, we inform the user that the provided email is invalid.


  email: String = '',
  username: String = '',
  roles: [...String] = []
  displayCredits: String = ''
}) => Promise(PendingCollaborator)

Collaborator Data Types

type NewUserCollaboratorInvite {
  email: String!
  roles: [String!]!
  displayCredits: String
  isPending: Boolean!

type Collaborator {
  username: String!
  roles: [String!]!
  displayCredits: String
  isPending: Boolean!

union PendingCollaborator = NewUserCollaboratorInvite | Collaborator
  • email - An email for the invited collaborator. (Optional. Only for new users)

  • username - A valid Greenruhm username. (Optional. Only for existing users)

  • roles - An array of strings, which SHOULD be DDEX roles. (Optional. Defaults to empty array)

  • displayCredits - How credits should be listed in liner notes. (Optional)

  • isPending - Newly added collaborators are pending until they accept the invitation. (Not a parameter. Managed automatically by Greenruhm Connect)


  username: "stevie",
  roles: ["Musician", "Composer", "LeadVocals", "Drums", "Keyboards"],
  displayCredits: "Stevie: Pretty much everything."


The role field is an array. A single collaborator can have several roles. Please use standard DDEX role names where available, but it is also OK to create custom roles. The following is a list of common roles:

  • MainArtist

  • DisplayArtist

  • FeaturedArtist

  • Musician

  • Vocalist

  • LeadVocalist

  • BackgroundVocalist

  • Lyricist

  • Composer

  • ComposerLyricist

  • ComposerAndOrLyricist

  • Guitar

  • Drums

  • Voice

  • Bass

  • SoundDesigner

  • Producer

  • VisualDesigner

  • Illustrator

  • MotionDesigner

  • Animator

  • 3D

  • SoftwareDeveloper

On Greenruhm, the drop creator gets a DisplayArtist role by default.

Removing Collaborators

Use the asynchronous drop.removeCollaborator() method to remove a collaborator from a drop. This method can only be used before the drop is published.

drop.removeCollaborator(usernameOrEmail: String) => Promise

To remove a collaborator:


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