
You can add any number of files in various formats to your Greenruhm drops, but there are some standard files with some specific requirements you need to be aware of.

User Profiles

User profiles need images for both the user's avatar (profile picture), and the profile header.

Profile Header Image

The profile header is used at the top of the artist's profile page in the Greenruhm app.

  • Format: 1500x500 JPEG

Note: Avoid text in headers because Greenruhm overlays white text and buttons on top.

Profile Avatar Image (PFP)

The profile avatar image is the profile picture (PFP) used to represent the user in various parts of the app, including the drop headers, credits, posts, messages, etc.

  • Format: 400x400 JPEG or PNG


Drops can involve many different files with many different formats. See also: Drops and Metadata

Poster Image

The poster image is a still image that represents your drop when media is not playing.

  • Format: 1080x1920 JPEG or PNG

  • Metadata Attribute: posterImage

Embed Image

A square image used to represent your drop when you share it on external social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, or Discord.

  • Format: 600x600 - 1080x1080 JPEG or PNG

  • Metadata Attribute: embedImage


Greenruhm supports many kinds of videos, but we recommend vertical video to look best on mobile devices (the feed viewing experience is similar to TikTok).

  • Preferred Format: 1080 x 1920 pixels (9:16)

  • Best Encoding: WebM/VP9 vertical

  • Second Best Encoding: MP4/H.264

  • Metadata Attribute: video

Last updated