
On Greenruhm, creators collect royalties in 2 ways: on the primary market, and on the secondary market. For both primary and secondary royalties, splits determine the share of royalties allocated to each recipient.

Primary Market Royalties

A primary market sale is the first sale of an individual NFT from the drop creator to the first owner. The primary market royalty is 100% of the gross sale minus payment transaction and platform fees (check Pricing for current rates). With a 5% marketplace fee, the primary market royalty payment will be 95% of the gross.

Secondary Market Royalties

A secondary market sale is any sale of an individual NFT after the primary market sale of that NFT. For each drop, it is possible to set the royalty rate to whatever you want. However, we recommend setting it between 5% and 10% to be fair to collectors and traders.

Last updated