
Splits allow income from NFT sales to be automatically distributed to split recipients in realtime at the time of the sale. Greenruhm supports any number of split recipients, and platforms using the Greenruhm Connect API can be compensated automatically by adding a platform split in your account settings, or by adding a platform account to the splits array in any drop if you need to customize the platform cut for a specific drop.

    username: 'edson',
    roles: ['Musician', 'Composer', 'LeadVocals', 'Lyricist', 'GroupMember'],
    share: 40
    username: 'mike',
    roles: ['Musician', 'Composer', 'GroupMember'],
    share: 40
    username: 'onchainrecords',
    roles: ['Label', 'RightsController'],
    share: 20,
    endingDate: labelRightsExpirationDate, // JavaScript epoch time

Be extra careful that you select the correct users. Using the Greenruhm Connect username autocomplete API, you'll get back data that can help users select the correct member. We recommend displaying the user avatar, verification status, and number of followers in your autocomplete widgets to gain confidence that the right accounts get credited.

Splits should only very rarely be altered after publishing your drop, because it's a bit like changing a legal deal after it's already been agreed to. For these reasons, there is no automated way to update splits after publishing at this time.

When building UIs for splits, it's important to ensure that all shares add up to exactly 100%.

Last updated